Specialized in technological solutions in the building, public works and mining equipment sectors, MOVICORTES ANGOLA represents and distributes a group of world-class premium brands, covering the entire national territory.
In addition to the quality of the brands represented, the company is distinguished by the quality of the After-Sales Service areas. With MOVICORTES ANGOLA, the client knows that he can count on a solid, reliable partner, with skills, equipment and services that will improve the availability of the machines on site, improving the profitability of his own business.
MOVICORTES ANGOLA is a company of the MOVICORTES Group, present in Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Guiné Conakry and Morocco. Based in Portugal, MOVICORTES is a holding of companies that operate in different sectors of activity such as construction machinery, agricultural machinery, car dealership, media, wine production and wine tourism.
MOVICORTES ANGOLA has a team of dedicated collaborators, knowing the products, the market, and well identified with the culture of the company. With a continuous training policy, the company has a qualified team with experience in all areas: commercial, administrative and after-sales.
On 10.000m2 of surface, the facilities of MOVICORTES ANGOLA consist of buildings which include a workshop, a store of spare parts, administrative offices, a training room, as well as a large outdoor space for equipments. It is a platform that has been organized, equipped and prepared to serve customers in a professional manner, particularly in terms of technical expertise and After-Sales Service (Technical Assistance and Spare Parts).